

In today’s world, media is becoming more and more important. It’s a source of entertainment, information and a form of both social and professional communication. As the role of media in our lives increases, it’s very important to stay critical. Movies, television programmes and music videos teach us about everyday life and often misrepresent reality. An important example is the stereotyping of characters. How often have you seen a movie that included a brainless jock or a dumb blonde? These stereotypes may seem funny and harmless but people tend to associate real-life people with the stereotypical characteristics as a result. With this blog we want to shed light on a wide variety of stereotypes and explain how they are often greatly distorted. Every day we will dedicate one post to a particular stereotype, exemplify with instances from the media and look into the reasons for using this stereotype and where it derived from. Hopefully this will make you think about stereotyping and instill a critical stance when you're consuming media.
Feel free to leave comments or send us an email with your feedback!

Tess and Chelsea  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like what you're doing here. Good, clean writing on a topic we should all take into consideration. You might consider signing your name/s at the end of each article and take credit for your work! (I deleted my comment above because I found a typo in it!)
